Friday 31 July 2015

Not Another 'QUIET CRITTERS' Post

If anyone is an active Pinterest user, you'll probably have seen these a hundred times over! For those that don't know, Quiet Critters are literally one of THE BEST gimmicks you can carry around in your SubKit. I've only used them with Junior Infants, Senior Infants and First Class but each and every time I've used them they've worked a treat!

When you're a Newly Qualified Teacher it's always a bit difficult trying to work out what classroom management techniques you're supposed to use or what classroom techniques will work when you are only in a classroom for one or two days. Sometimes teachers have a system they use, like The Traffic Light System or marbles in a cup or a points system etc.., but very often I've been in classrooms that don't have any sort of a system! I feel it is very important to introduce some sort of system to encourage good behaviour and good work, but every now and again you'll find teachers who don't do it. Each to their own! As I've mentioned in my 'What's in my Subkit?' post, I always carry sweets and prizes. If I feel a class is particularly rowdy I'll introduce some sort of reward, which I go into more detail here.

These Quiet Critters are AMAZING for use with younger classes, Like I've said,  I've only ever used them with Junior Infants, Senior Infants and First class but they've loved them!

Here they are in all their glory!!

They're very simple to make, devote an hour to it some afternoon, and you won't regret it! 
To make these little critters you'll need:

  • Pom - poms (I got mine in Tiger, I think the colours are lovely!)
  • Googly Eyes (Art and Hobby Shop)
  • Foam cut into love heart shapes for feet (Art and Hobby Shop)
  • Bows/ Ribbon
  • Strong Glue
I literally cut sheets of foam into love heart shapes and glued one piece to each pom - pom. I then stuck on the googly eyes. For the 'girl' Quiet Critters I stuck them on top of each pom - pom, like a bow and for the 'boy' Quiet Critters, I stuck them beneath the googly eyes, like dickie bows!)

I always introduce the children to them as my little pets or friends. We have a look at the box and see all the 'Shhhhhh!!'s written on it. I tell them they're really scared of loud noises so they must be quiet. If they're too noisy then I'll have to take them back and put them away into their quiet box again. The Quiet Critters love to just watch the children doing their work. You'll find yourself answering a lot of questions about them, like: "Yes they like to be petted, but gently!!" "No you can't bring them home, they're my little friends and I like to bring them with me to other classrooms!" "Yes you can give your Critter a name!" etc... 

Before I give each child their Quiet Critter I go through a song with them. My song is just one I made up myself, it isn't great, but it's still effective! I hope someday to get a chance and be inspired to re-write it!!!!!!!!!!

The reward system works as follows:
I give every group a bowl (pink or blue bowls in the picture). The children earn pom-poms based on how well behaved they are. So far I haven't had any mix up between the pom - poms they earn and the Quiet Critters themselves but you can use marbles or beads or maybe something that's available in the classroom like cubes, instead. I just find the pom-poms are light and easy to transport. I give a Quiet Critter to every child in the class, if we're doing quiet work. If they're talking too loud I have to take the Critter back. It is possible to get your Critter back if you are very well behaved! By the end of the lesson, each group gets a pom - pom in their bowl for every Quiet Critter that stayed on the table for the duration of the lesson!

I cannot express how well these little guys work! Unlike a lot of classroom management techniques, they don't need to be repeated over and over for the children to understand the consequences of being disruptive etc... It's a great prop to use straight away, with little explaining! 

Give them a try, I promise you won't regret making them!!


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