Monday 8 June 2015


It's that time of the year again when Education Posts is filled with hundreds of jobs, it's a time of positivity and hope for all teachers looking for jobs next year.


Unfortunately, the process in which we all have to go through to obtain these jobs is a long and tedious one.

Last year, I did not have a CLUE how to fill in a Standard Application Form. It just confused me completely! I wished that there had been a sample out there for me to look at and generally show me where to put things and what should be included.!

I have put together a sample which might help the completely confused out there. It's not overly detailed but hopefully it will give you an idea of what to put in your Standard Application Form.

If anyone has any further examples or advise on what to add to it, please let me know! I'd like to make it more detailed!


Good Luck!!Aisling

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